Treating a Gasoline Spill

The sliding tray, compact design of E-Z Tray® (U.S. Patent Number 5,518,668) Air Strippers allowed a major petroleum company to install a large remediation system in a high-end residential neighbourhood on Long Island, New York. Only a small lot in the neighbourhood could be used to house the air strippers and they had to blend into the surroundings - large, noisy processing equipment was unacceptable. Compact shipping containers were used to house the strippers and other equipment, but the E-Z Tray design ensured that they were still easy to access and maintain. The company was able to install three E-Z Tray units in the same space that would have been totally filled by just one traditional stripper.

  • Gasoline spill in high value residential area.
  • Space for process equipment limited.
  • Need for low profile - sound and appearance.
  • Strippers housed in metal shipping containers.
Found in:
Environmental and Remediation
Air Stripping and VOC Removal
Technical Papers