AFC International was founded by Pam Seneczko, president in 1992. AFC started out providing products and supplies for the analytical chemistry industry, specifically the gas chromatography (GC) industry. AFC stands for accessories for chromatography. AFC International Inc. specialized in the manufacturing of GC ferrules and gas purifing traps used in analytical laboratories throughout the world. Gas Chromatography is the science of separation and is used to identify and quantify complex gas and vapor mixtures. GC analysis is used in the environmental and industrial hygiene to specifically identify compounds of interest. AFC International Inc. quickly began to grow and expand into related industries such as industrial hygiene and safety health applications.
PO Box 894
715C SW Almond St
IN 46310,
:+1(800) 952-3293
:+1(219) 987-6825
: http://www.afcintl.com
: sales@afcintl.com
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