The Snap Sampler® dedicated passive sampling system is one of the easiest ways to collect samples for VOCs, SVOCs, PFAS metals and more. There are three models of Snap Sampler modules – one holds the 40 mL VOA bottles, a second holds either the 125 or 350 mL HDPE bottle, and the third holds the 250 mL HDPE bottle. Up to six modules can be connected in any combination to fit the testing requirements for that well. There are two triggering systems--a manual trigger and a pneumatic trigger--that deploy the Snap Sampler modules to the desired sampling depth within the well screen interval. There’s no depth limitation with the Snap Sampler system - samples have been collected at depths greater than 2,000 feet (600 m). Deep sampling, low yield wells and short water column wells are especially good candidates for the Snap Sampler, but any well greater than 2" in diameter is a potential candidate. Key Specifications Faster sampling with no purging Perfect for most wells- as low as 7 feet (2.1 m) to over 2000 feet (600 m)